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Electrified Ecology: Supporting Conservation


At Belmont Electrical we believe in the conservation of our natural resources and using these resources in such a manner as to enable future generations to have and use them.


We support the conservation of wildlife across Zimbabwe through a program that equips communities living in and around conservation areas with entrepreneurship skills; enabling them to utilise the resources in their locale in a sustainable non-consumptive manner.



Belmont Electrical believes in the power of partnership and we work with Groupé Süisse Consulting and the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority in our endevours to support conservation.


Environmental COnservation

Belmont Electrical supports ecology research and conservation causes through WIZA. and supports the personal and professional development of wildlife conservation practitioners.

Public Safety Campaign

Belmont Electrical runs a public safety campaign, the Electrical Safety Bulletin. This is a fortnightly publication which is distributed by email and through this website. The bulletin provides safety tips to ensure personal safety and the safety of animals and property when working with electricity, electrical applicances, and electrical installations.


Jump to Electrical Safety Bulletin.

World Class Electrical Contracting.


Belmont Electrical is an Electrical Contracting and Engineering Company.

We boast of over 30 years of service in electrical installation and reticulation; supply and installation of domestic, commercial and industrial electrical fittings as well cabling for Internet, telephone and security systems. We have added Solar Power, System Design; Reticulation and Installation to our repertoire.

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