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Belmont Electrical (Pvt) Ltd assumes full responsibility in protection of its employees from contracting HIV as a result of occupational hazards. Belmont Electrical (Pvt) Ltd also strives to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS.

Duties and Responsibilities of Belmont Electrical

The management of Belmont Electrical (Pvt) Ltd undertakes to continuously educate its employees against the prevention of HIV and AIDS. It is the primary policy of Belmont Electrical to conduct its activities in a responsible manner, catering for employees’ protection and prevention of HIV and AIDS.
To this end Belmont Electrical (Pvt) Ltd is striving and committed to:
-    Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, local standards and international standards where relevant, on HIV and AIDS and maintain contact with legislating authorities.
-    Minimise or eliminate where practicable hazards or aspects and their associated risks and impacts through implementation of appropriate HIV and AIDS programs.
-    Educate and train all employees, contractors and the local community on HIV and AIDS policy and outlining their HIV and AIDS roles and responsibilities.      
-    Communicate with all stakeholders and other interested parties on issues relating to HIV and AIDS.
-    Ensure that HIV and AIDS objectives and targets are reviewed within stipulated time periods and as and when the need arises, in order to promote continuous improvement in HIV and AIDS programs.
-    Maintain, update and make available to internal and external interested parties all records and documentation relating to HIV and AIDS.
-    Periodically carry out HIV and AIDS assessments to identify and control HIV and AIDS from spreading from one employee to another.
-    Enhance knowledge of our employees and surrounding community about HIV and AIDS stewardship through developing active partnership with HIV and AIDS counselling organisations.
To implement this policy successfully, we empower our employees and engage all other stakeholders.

World Class Electrical Contracting.


Belmont Electrical is an Electrical Contracting and Engineering Company.

We boast of over 30 years of service in electrical installation and reticulation; supply and installation of domestic, commercial and industrial electrical fittings as well cabling for Internet, telephone and security systems. We have added Solar Power, System Design; Reticulation and Installation to our repertoire.

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