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Electrical Safety Bulletin Archive


Electrical Safety Bulletin is a public service offerd by Belmont Electrical to improve safety when handling electricity.These bulletins are made available free of charge.Belmont Electrical makes an effort to ensure the accuracy of information provided in these bulletins. Belmont Electrical accepts no responsibility for any loss of damage resulting from the application of tips and any other information provided in the bulletins.

Fire hazards when operating Portable Generators

Fire is an ever present hazard when operating portable genrators. Loss of life and property associated with fire warrants attention to be paid to minimising the risk of fire. This bulletin provides tips on how to minimise the risk of fire when operating portable generators.

Noxious Gas Poisoning from Portable Generators

The use of portable generators is commonplace and widespread. While portable generators are handy in that they provide an alternative source of electrical power.

This bulletin provides tips of managing risk relating to noxious gas emissions from portable generators.

Happy Holidays

The holiday season is upon us and you have all the reason to celebrate. Take a moment to check the security of your home and office before you break for the holidays. Here are a few useful tips.


Happy Holidays!

Holiday Season Hazards

Dont let a small mishap turn your holiday season into a disaster. This issue of the Electrical Safety Bulletin provides tips on how to keep your property safe as you celebrate the year-end holidays.


Season's greetings!

Safety After The Storm

Rains at the beginning of the season are often violent, destroying infrastructure and causing death. This bulletin provides precautions that if followed can help reduce loss of life after violent storms.

Handling Electrocutions

The risk of electrocution increases during the rain season. The expedient treatment of a victim could be the difference between life and death. This bulletin provides tips to assist electrocution victims.

Lightning: A wet season electrical hazard

This bulletin provides tips to manage the risk of lightning strikes and other electrical hazards associated with lightning.

Surge and transmission disruption protection

This bulletin provides tips on how to protect electrical appliances in the event of electrical surges and the disruption of electricity transmission.

Reduce your bill with Energy Saver lamps

Save on your electricity consumption by replacing your filament lamps with more efficient energy-saver lapms. This bulletin provides tips on how to save on your electricity consumption by simply changing the type of lamps you use.

Managing electrical fires

Fires caused by electricity can be fatal and these account for millions of dollars of property loss. Having the correct equipment to fight electrical fires is important as a measure to prevent loss due to electrical fires, and could be the difference between life and death.

This bulletin provides details about how to fight small electrical fires.

NB. Always call the local fire service when a fire breaks out.

Electricity usage during winter

Domestic electricity consumption tends to increase during winter on account of the colder weather and shorter days.

This bulletin provides tips to keep electricity consumption low during winter as well as to manage the increased risk of electrical accidents.

Wiring a plug

Most domestic appliances use plugs. The incorrect wiring of plugs can result in damage to appliances as well as increase the risk of electrical accidents. This bulletin provides advice on how to wire plugs correctly.

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