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Environmental Policy


At Belmont Electrical we play our part to ensure that the environment can sustain future generations. We uphold the spirit and letter of the Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27].
Belmont Electrical (Pvt) Ltd assumes full responsibility in protection of the environment and prevention of pollution. Belmont Electrical (Pvt) Ltd is continuously researching for new products and adapting to ensure a greener and pollution free environment.

Duties and Responsibilities of Belmont Electrical
To this end Belmont Electrical (Pvt) Ltd strives and is committed to:
o    Complying with all applicable laws, regulations, local standards and international standards where relevant, on environmental management, and maintaining contact with regulating authorities.
o    Identifying and evaluating occupational hazards and environmental risks resulting from its operations.
o    Managing processes and operations to protect bio diversity, conserve energy and minimize waste.
o    Enhancing the knowledge of our employee’s and the communities in which we operate about environmental stewardship through developing active partnership with conservation organizations.
o    Ensuring that environmental impact assessments is done for all new projects and activities that we undertake and have potential impact or risk on safety, health and environment.
o    Ensuring that environmental management objectives and targets are reviewed within stipulated time periods and as and when the need arises, in order to promote continuous improvement in environmental performances.
o    Maintain regular, open and honest communication with all stakeholders and communities affected by our operations.
o    Define accountability and responsibility to monitor performance against set targets and objectives with the intention of continual improvement for our own and public review.
To implement this policy successfully, we empower our employees and engage all other stakeholders.


Waste Generation & Management
At Belmont Electrical (Pvt) Ltd we manage our carbon footprint by reducing, reusing and recycling.

Energy Efficiency
Generation of electrical energy is one of the biggest contributors to environmental degradation. By designing systems for our clients that maximise the use of renewable energy and minimise overall energy utilisation, we contribute towards creating a world that is more energy efficient.

World Class Electrical Contracting.


Belmont Electrical is an Electrical Contracting and Engineering Company.

We boast of over 30 years of service in electrical installation and reticulation; supply and installation of domestic, commercial and industrial electrical fittings as well cabling for Internet, telephone and security systems. We have added Solar Power, System Design; Reticulation and Installation to our repertoire.

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